Source code for

from .base import Model

import re
import numpy as np

def _full_adjacency(n):
    """Get the adjacency matrix of a complete graph"""
    return np.ones((n, n)) - np.identity(n)

def _linear_adjacency(n):
    """Get the adjacency matrix of a linear graph"""
    return np.diag(np.ones([n - 1]), k=-1) + np.diag(np.ones([n - 1]), k=1)

def _cycle_adjacency(n):
    """Get the adjacency matrix of a cycle graph"""
    if n == 1:
        return np.asarray([[0.0]])
    m = np.diag(np.ones([n - 1]), k=-1) + np.diag(np.ones([n - 1]), k=1)
    m[0][-1] = 1
    m[-1][0] = 1
    return m

def _star_adjacency(n):
    """Get the adjacency matrix of a star graph with its center in the first coordinate"""
    m = np.zeros((n, n))
    m[0] = np.ones(n)
    m[:, 0] = np.ones(n)
    m[0, 0] = 0
    return m

def _star_adjacency_bis(n):
    """Get the adjacency matrix of a star graph with its center in the last coordinate"""
    m = np.zeros((n, n))
    m[-1] = np.ones(n)
    m[:, -1] = np.ones(n)
    m[-1, -1] = 0
    return m

_graph_models = {"full": _full_adjacency, "linear": _linear_adjacency, "cycle": _cycle_adjacency,
                 "star": _star_adjacency, "star2": _star_adjacency_bis}

[docs]class CommunityModel(Model): def __init__(self, base_model, communities, topology=None, exchange_term="m", equal_parameters=False, symmetric_matrix=False, labels=None): """ Args: base_model (Model): A base model used for each of the communities. communities (int or list of list): The number of communities or a matrix describing their connections. topology (str): A model to use to define community relationships when communities is an integer. Available values are: - "full": All communities are connected (complete graph model $K_n$). - "linear": Linear connection of communities (path graph model $P_n$). - "cycle": Cyclical connection of communities (cycle graph model $C_n$). - "star": One community (the first one) is connected to the rest¸ with no other connection (star graph model $S_n=K_{1,n-1}$). - "star2": Same as "star" with the fully connected community in the last position (also $S_n=K_{1,n-1}$, but with different indexing).  exchange_term (str): Name of the parameter associated to intercommunity transitions. equal_parameters (bool): Whether to assume the epidemiological parameters do not depend on the community. symmetric_matrix (bool): Whether to assume the community transition matrix is symmetric. labels (list of str): List with the names of the communities. Defaults to [1, 2, ..., n]. """ if isinstance(communities, int): if topology is None: topology = "full" try: communities = _graph_models[topology](communities) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError("Invalid model. Must be one the following:\n%s" % ", ".join(_graph_models.keys())) n = len(communities) community_labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)] if labels is None else list(labels) assert len(community_labels) == n states = base_model.states[:] # Make a copy all_states = sum(([s + "_" + str(i) for s in states] for i in community_labels), []) parameters = base_model.parameters[:] # Make a copy if equal_parameters: all_parameters = parameters else: all_parameters = sum(([p + "_" + str(i) for p in parameters] for i in community_labels), []) all_rules = [] # Epidemiological rules for i in community_labels: for origin, destination, rule in base_model.rules: s = rule suffix = "_" + str(i) for w in states + ([] if equal_parameters else parameters) + [base_model.sum_state]: s = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % w, w + suffix, s) all_rules.append((origin + suffix, destination + suffix, s)) # Community transition rules for i, i_label in enumerate(community_labels): for j, j_label in enumerate(community_labels): if communities[i][j]: suffix = "_%s_%s" % ( (i_label, j_label) if not symmetric_matrix else (min(i_label, j_label), max(i_label, j_label))) if exchange_term + suffix not in all_parameters: all_parameters += [exchange_term + suffix] for state in states: all_rules.append((state + "_" + str(i_label), state + "_" + str(j_label), "%s%s / N_%s" % (exchange_term, suffix, i_label))) super().__init__(all_states, all_parameters, all_rules, base_model.sum_state, base_model.nihil_state)